2024 – 2025 Seed Exchange Seed List

Section aleuritia

105-farinosa WC Italy, 33

106-frondosa, 30

107-halleri WC France, 33

108-laurentiana, 16

110-scotica, 9, 16


S. armerina

114-egaliksensis, WC AK, 18

115-munroi, 8


S. auricula


117-Border OP Named Forms Mix, 32

118 -Alpine Mix, 32

119-Auricula Mix OP, 1, 5, 16, 22

120Border (reds, pinks, purples), 32

121-Border (yellows, creams, browns), 32

122-Border Mix, 32, 22

123-auricula Garden Dainty Yellow HP, 3

124-x Border ‘Starling’ OP, 22

125-x Alpine ‘Argus’ OP, 22

126-Double (reds, pinks, purples), 32

127-Double (yellows, creams, browns), 32

128-Double Mix, 32

131-Edges & Fancies Mix, 32

134-Rust Wire Edge (‘Deal’) X Rust Self HP, 3

135-Show & Alpine Mix HP, 32

138-Show & Alpine Mix OP, 32

140-Striped Mix, 32

141-auricula x Named Shows, Stripes & Fancies OP, 22

144-auricula striped Green, Magenta, White HP, 3

145-auricula striped Purple & white HP, 3

146-x pubescens ‘Victoria’ Red OP, 3



148-allionii/marginata Mix, 32

149-auricula specie, 9, 16

151-auricula ssp. Bauhinii, 30

152-clusiana WC Austria, 33

153-daonensis, 2, WC Italy 33

154-European hybrids, 22

155-glutinosa WC Austria, 33

156-hirsuta WC Italy, 33

157-integrifolia WC Switzerland, 33

158-latifolia WC Switzerland, 33

159-marginata, 8, 22

160-marginata x ‘Wharfdale Bluebell’, 22

161-minima WC Austria, 33

162-recubariensis WC Italy, 33

163-spectabilis WC Italy, 33

164-tyrolensis WC Italy, 33


 S. capitatae

165-capitata, 8

166-capitata ssp. mooreana, 32


S. cortusoides

167-cortusoides, 22, 30

169-kisoana, 8

171-matthioli Mix, 16

172-matthioli Pink-purple, 2, 9, 22

173-matthioli ssp. sachalinensis Pink, 2

180-matthioli White, 2, 15, 16

181-palmata Pink, 2

196-sieboldii ‘Dancing Ladies’, 32

197-sieboldii Frilly Blue Shades, 32

200-sieboldii Frilly Pink Shades, 32

203-sieboldii Galaxie Mix, 32

204-sieboldii Old Vienna, 32

205-sieboldii Pale Moon, 32

220-sieboldii Smooth Blue Shades, 32

221-sieboldii Smooth Pink shades, 32

222-sieboldii ‘Snowbird’ (fringed white), 32

224-sieboldii Mix, 9, 12

225-sieboldii ‘Sakuraso Forms’, 11


S. crystallophlomis

230-chionantha, 8

231-chionantha ssp. sinopurpurea, 18, 30

232-limbata, 16


S. denticulata

235-cachemeriana, 2

236-denticulata ‘Blue Selection’, 30

237-denticulata ‘Ronsdorf Hybrids’ (Nepal Mix), 30

240-denticulata purple, 2, 8

241-denticulata ‘Rubin Selection’, 30

242-denticulata White, 2, 32, 30

243-denticulata Light Purple, 22


S. dodecatheon

245-amethystinum, 1

246-latiloba (syn. Dodecatheon dentatum) White, 2

251-pauciflora var. pauciflora pink, 2

252-pulchellum, 18

253-pulchellum, WC AK, 18


S. muscarioides

260-apoclita, 32

261-cernua, 32

262-concholoba, 32

 S. nivalis

270-maximowiczii, 30


S. oreophlomis

276-rosea , 16

277-rosea ‘Gigas’, 30


S. parryi

279-parryi, 30

280-rusbyi, 22


S. primula

acaulis (vulgaris)

283-Barnhaven Blues, 32

284-Barnhaven Gold, 32

286-Butterscotch, 32

287-Candy Pinks, 32

288-Harbinger, 32

289-Osiered Amber, 32

290-Purple Cascade, 32

291-Springtime Seed Mix, 32

292-Tartan Reds, 32

293-Traditional Yellows, 32



300-Barnhaven Doubles (mix), 32

301-Barnhaven Doubles (cream, white, yellow), 32

302-Barnhaven Doubles (pinks, blues, reds), 32



320-Purple Hose-in-Hose Oakleaf OP, 15

330-elatior Jack-in-Green OP, 5

333-Oakleaf Hose-in-Hose Mix OP, 15

334-Hose-in-Hose Mix, 32

335-Jack-in-the-Green Mix, 32

336-Oakleaf poly Mix OP, 15

337-veris Feathered HP, 15

338- veris ‘Lady Agatha’ (yellow HIH), 32

339- veris ‘Lord Alfred’ (red/orange HIH), 32

340-Orange Fade JIG X Scarlet Oakleaf HP, 15

341-White-Streaked Burgundy Oakleaf poly X Scarlet Oakleaf poly HP, 15

342- Yellow Oakleaf poly X Burgundy HIH Oakleaf poly HP, 15

343-Apricot Laced poly XPurple Stripe poly HP, 15

344-Gold Laced Purple poly X Striped Purple poly HP, 15,

345-Dark Red poly HIH OP, 15



346-Blue Cowichan, 32

347-Amethyst Cowichan, 32

348-Garnet Cowichan, 32

349-Venetian Cowichan, 32

350-Yellow Cowichan, 32

351-Cowichan Mix, 32

352-Velvet Moon Deep Burgundy, 17



355-Daybreak, 32

356-Desert Sunset, 32

357-Flamingo, 32

358-Gilded Ginger, 32

359-Grand Canyon, 32

360-Harbour Lights, 32

361-Harvest Yellows, 32

362-Indian Reds, 32

364-Marine Blues, 32

365-Midnight, 32

367-Mix, 1, 5

368- New Pinks, 32

369-Ramona, 32

370- Reverie, 32

371-Silver Dollar Mix, 32

372-Smokey Dusk, 32

373-Spiced Shades, 32

374-Tango, 32

375-Winter White, 32


Laced Polyanthus

376-Light Purple with Wire Edge OP, 15

377-Apricot Laced HP, 15

378-Gold Laced Polyanthus, 32

379-Gold Laced Polyanthus ‘Beeches Strain’, 32

380-Gold Laced Hose-in-Hose, 32

381-Gold Laced Jack-in-the-Green, 32

382-Silver Laced, 32

383-Gold & Silver Laced Mix, 32



384-Fuchsia Victorians, 32

385-Mauve Victorians, 32

386-Muted Victorians, 32

387-Striped Victorians, 32

389-Violet Victorians, 32

390-Victorian Mix, 32



391-Barnhaven Pixies, 32

392-Blue julianas, 32

393-‘City of Bellingham’ Dark Pink, 2

394-ex ‘Dorothy’, 9

395-Fireflies, 32

396-x Fireflies wine-red, 9

397-Footlight Parade, 32

398-x pruhoniciana Wanda Hyb. ‘Wanda Mixed Colors’, 30

400-Juliana Mix, 32

401-White julianas, 32

403-Vera Maud, 32



407-elatior yellow, 2, 8, 12

408-elatior Mixed, 1, 22

409-elatior ssp. meyeri Deep Purple, 1

410-elatior ssp. meyeri (syn. amoena), 9, 30

411-elatior var. elatior, 9

412-grandis yellow, 8

413-veris, 2, 8

414-veris Coronation Cowslips, 32

415-veris Feathered Form, 8

416-veris hybrids, 8, 16

417-veris Sunset Shades, 1, 17, 18

418-veris ssp. macrocalyx, 2

420-vulgaris true wild form WC Slovakia, 33


S. proliferae

422-aurantiaca, 8

423-aurantiaca hybrids, 8

424-beesiana, 8

425-bulleyana, 8, 19, 20

426-bulleyana Grout Hill Gardens Mix, 20

429-burmanica Pink/Orange Eye, 2

430-burmanica hybrids, 8

433-chungensis, 2, 8, 32

434-cockburniana, 9

435-japonica ‘Apple Blossom’, 17

436-japonica Cream, 12

438-japonica ‘Miller’s Crimson’, 14, 17

439-japonica Mix, 8

442-japonica ‘Postford White’, 8

443-japonica Red, 2

445-japonica White, 8, 1

446-‘Oriental Sunrise’ Mix of Candelabras, 32

447-prolifera, 8

448-pulverulenta, 8

449-secundiflora pink-magenta, 2, 8, 32

450-wilsonii, 8

451-wilsonii var. anisodora, 8

452-x bullesiana Brilliant Orange, 20

453-x bullesiana Peach, 20

454-x bullesiana Red/Orange, 20


S. sikkimensis

460-alpicola white, 2, 8, 32

461-alpicola ‘Royal Blue’, 32

463-alpicola var. violacea, 2

464-florindae yellow, 8, 17

465-florindae hybrids, 8, 32

466-florindae orange, 17

468-waltonii, 8


S. soldanelloides

470-flaccida, 8, 30


S. sphondylia

474-forbesii, 8

475-x kewensis, 8

477-simensis, 8


Other primulacea and Primula companions

489-Actaea rubra, 1

490-Mixed Primula from a Scottish Garden, 8

491-Androsace carnea Mix, 22

492-Androsace carnea brigantiaca White, 9

502-Androsace carnea laggeri Pink, 9

503- Anemonopsis macrophylla, 1

504- Anemonopsis macrophylla Alba, 1

505-Aquilegia sp. Mix, 2, 13

506-Aquilegia vulgaris Tall Form Red/Yellow, 13

507-Aquilegia vulgaris variegated foliage Blue Flower, 13

520-Clematis fusca Purple, 13

524-Cyclamen coum Pink-carmine, 9

525-Cyclamen purpurascens, 9, 22

526-Cyclamen purpurascens Silver Leaf OP, 22

527-Cyclamen repandum, 9

528-Fragaria virginiana WC, 22

529-Fritillaria camschatensis WC AK, 18

530-Gentiana ascepaediae white, 1

531- Glaucidium palmatum Mix Lavender & White, 1

532-Glaucidium palmatum Pink, 13

533-Helleborus x hyb. Pale Pink, 1

534-Jeffersonia diphylla, 1

540- Lewisia pygmaea, 22

550-Meconopsis betonicifolia, 18, 13

551-Meconopsis x sheldonii ‘Lingholm’, 2, 18

552-Meconopsis specie Mix, 2

553-Meconopsis baileyi, 8

554-Meconopsis paniculate, 8

555-Meconopsis zhongdianensis, 8

556-Mertensia siberica Blue, 13

560-Paeonia japônica, 1

561-Paeonia suffruticosa single pink with dark blotch, 1,

562-Paeonia veitchii, 13

565-Papaver paeoniflorum Deep Pink/Watermelon, 2

566-Papaver bracteatum, 22

619-Polygonatum odoratum ‘Byakko’ variegated foliage, 1

620-Prometheum (Syn. Sedum) pilosum, 22

621- Sinningia x hybrids Florist’s Gloxinia Mix, 22

622- Streptocarpus x hybridus Named Cultivars & Forms, 22

623-Symphytum uplandicum Blue, 13

624- Tricyrtis latifolia, 1

625- Trillium erectum, 1

626- Trillium sulcatum, 1

630-Viola adunca Blue, 22



List of sources     

1-Amy Olmsted, VT

2-Ginger Hudson, Jensen-Olson Arboretum, AK

3-Maedythe Martin, BC

5-Laurel Chute, MA

8-Jeanie Jones, UK

9-Paul Otto, ID

11-Paul Held, CT

12-Marty Schaffer, MA

13-Joyce Glaze, AK

14-Pat Hartman, AK

15-Dean Wiegert, WI

16-Daniel Hendrickson, MI

17-Erica Iseminger, WA

18-Ed Buyarski, AK

19-Deborah Banks, NY

20-Kris Fenderson, NH

22-Kevin Baker, AB

30-Jelitto, DR

32-Barnhaven, FR

33-Michal Rejzek, CZ