Recommended Reading

The books are listed in alphabetical order by title.  Some of them are now out of print, but may still be purchased through online vendors such as and ABE Books. If you wish to purchase a book displayed in one of the boxes below, simply click on the image and you will be taken directly to the Amazon website.

Please note that currently, the American Primrose Society does not sell books, though back issues of the American Primrose Society’s quarterly journal Primroses are available, including sets, at very reasonable prices here.

The Auricula, The Story of a Florist’s Flower, Rowland H. Biffen (1951), Cambridge University Press

The Cultivated Species of Primula, Walter Blasdale (1948), University of California Press

Florists’ Auriculas and Gold-Laced Polyanthus, C.G. Haysom (1957), Collingridge

The Genus Primula (4 Pts.), Sir William W. Smith and H.R. Fletcher (1943-48), Oliver & Boyd

Hardy Primulas, H.G. Lyall (no date), Transatlantic Arts

A Practical Treatise on the Culture of the Carnation, Pink, Auricula, Polyanthus, Ranunculus, Tulip, Hyacinth, Rose and other flowers: with a dissertation on soils and manures, and catalogues of the most esteemed varieties of each flower, Thomas Hogg (1839), Whittaker & Co. Primroses and Auriculas, Brenda Hyatt (1992), Cassell Primroses and Polyanthus, Roy Genders (1954), Criterion Books

Primulas, Sidney Clapham (1971), Newton, Abbot, David and Charles Primulas of Europe and America, G.F. Smith, B. Burrow, D.B. Lowe (1984), Alpine Garden Society

Systematics and Bibliography of the Arctic and Boreal Species of Primula, Sylvia Kelso (1987), University of Alaska (dissertation)