Vol 83, Issue No. 1 (Winter 2025)
The View from the President
National Show Update by Ginger Hudson
2025 Election News
Candidate Biographies
Seed Sowing by Dean Wiegert
John Gibson Tribute by Jeanie Jones
From the Archives
Chapter Updates
Dorothy Dickson Award Recipients
Board Minutes November 2024
Editor Replacement
Officers of the Chapters
Visiting APS society shows in various areas has been an interesting and educational time during my presidency. I’ve met a lot of wonderful members of our organization and learned so much from everyone I have met. While wandering among the primroses I noticed that some types that I struggle to grow, others have little difficulty in growing. Some of us start our seeds in our greenhouses, or even indoors. Perhaps you plant in the fall and let nature do the work. I am always amazed when I visit a friend’s garden here in Juneau. He has never collected or grown primulas from seed; he acquires plants through purchase, trade or gifts from other growers. It’s an outstanding spring collection that I hope you will be able to see some day. However you acquire and start Primula, the results of any of these methods can be outstanding. This year I hope everyone has had a chance to order seeds through APS and perhaps other organizations you belong to.
The seed list this year seems to contain a few Primula species that are not always available. I know I love ordering seeds from Barnhaven and always just pay the price for the phytosanitary permit. If you are ordering from several different commercial growers and live in the USA, you might want to check out this link for ordering the Small Lots of Seeds import permit at www.aphis.usda.gov/plant[1]imports/buy-plants-seeds-online/seeds[1]additional-requirements.
You can also check out Barnhaven and the North American Rock Garden Society for more detailed information. This should save you a lot of headaches and loss of your seeds being confiscated at customs, if you are ordering from outside the USA. I would welcome articles or comments from our readers on what their restrictions are on seeds. I should mention that the Small Lots of Seed import permit is good for up to 50 small packets of seeds per order and lasts for 3 years. If you have that permit in hand it will help you order early and perhaps get some of those rarer Primula seeds to start growing next year.
This year I know the local groups and APS Chapters are holding shows this spring. In the middle of May, the National Show will be held in Juneau, Alaska. The maritime climate seems to provide an easy growing climate for Primula. I hope you will think about attending the PARTY WITH THE PRIMULAS National Show to be held on May 16-18. This year’s show will be held at the University of Southeast Alaska in conjunction with the Southeast Alaska Master Gardeners who are hosting the Alaska state convention. If you have other interests besides Primula, plan to attend both. A link to that part of the Show and Convention will be posted on our website when it becomes available. Please read Ginger Hudson’s article in this Quarterly with more details on the happenings in May.
Vendors will be at the show selling plants, seeds and maybe yard art; bring an extra carry on or bag for those findings you can’t live without. I always find new plants at the shows and enjoy bringing them home to my garden. Perhaps that is why my son, and his family gave me a sign for Christmas that says, “I AM A PLANTAHOLIC ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY.” I’ve added the picture of the sign, just in case you believe I have stopped acquiring plants or seeds.
Juneau in mid-May will have nearly 17 hours of sunlight. Sunrise occurs around 4:30 am and sets around 9:30 pm. You will have lots of time to discover our beautiful mountains and ocean. Perhaps see whales, otters and bears. Tourist season will be in full gear so make reservations early. I hope you will party with the Juneau chapter and spring primulas, and we’d love to see you at the PARTY IN THE PRIMULA PATCH!