
Welcome to the American Primrose Society LUCKY DIP Seed Exchange.

Our regular Members’ Seed Exchange has finished for this season, but we are now making seed available to everyone as part of our Society’s mission to encourage the growing of Primulas. We therefore offer ‘closeout bargains’ as sets of 10 packages of seed from the genus Primula to anyone interested in the culture of these plants.

Price for APS MEMBERS is $4 per set of 10 packets, limit of 4 sets.

Price to NON MEMBERS is $8 per set of 10 packets, limit of 3 sets.

Orders will be filled as they are received, until available supplies are gone.  Although you may indicate which kinds of seeds you prefer, please note that the choice of seed is ultimately ours. We will try to fill your order if the seed is still available, but we offer no guarantee that you will receive the seed you ask for.

You do not need to log in to order seeds.

A field with (*) indicates it must be completed before the order can be submitted.

Please enter the seed numbers (in NUMERICAL order) for your preferences below:

Seed Choices (1st set of ten)
Seed Choices (2nd set of ten)
Seed Choices (3rd set of ten)
APS Members may order more packets by using the boxes below:
Your contact and delivery details: