Maedythe’s Primrose and Auricula Potting Mixes
(Maedythe Martin is President of the Vancouver, BC Group)
4 parts minerally soil (good garden soil would probably work)
4 parts sieved coir (coconut fibre)
2 parts perlite
This mix should retain moisture, but the perlite keeps air in the mix.
For “parts” I use a one gallon black plastic pot.
The mix is loosely based on a John Innes mix, not that we can get that here. So I make something approximating it.
3 parts minerally soil
3 parts coir, sieved
1 ½ parts course sand
¼ cup super phosphate
½ cup dolomite lime
For seedlings I use the above mix as the base and add:
1 part John Innes Mix
1 part coir, sieved
½ part perlite
For mature plants I make the following mix
4 parts John Innes Mix
1 part coir, sieved
2 parts course sand
½ bag commercial steer manure, sieved
3 tablespoons dried blood meal
1 cup dolomite lime
1 cup crushed charcoal
When I say sieved, I have a ½ inch big square screen, which I put the product through.