The 2013 Annual Show of the American Primrose Society will be held at the Tower Hill Botanical Garden in Boylston, Massachusetts, on May 4th and 5th, 2013.
This spring, the New England Chapter will host an enjoyable weekend of primrose-filled fun for members, guests, and the public, in one of the most delightful settings in New England.
Eminent horticulturist and photographer, Merrill Jensen, will be the guest speaker with two presentations entitled “The Primula National Collection: How We Got There” and “The History of the Jensen-Olson Arboreum: from Gold Miners to Primula Growers.” As Horticulturist and Manager of the Jensen-Olson Arboretum in Juneau, Alaska, Mr. Jensen has built up a National Collection of Primula that contains the most species under cultivation in the US. Mr. Jensen will also host the Round Table Primula discussion on Sunday morning.
The show will be held in the long, sunny Main Corridor. Set up will begin on Friday afternoon, May 3rd, and continue early on Saturday morning until the exhibit hall is closed during judging. On Friday evening, a Garden Party and dinner will be held at Matt Mattus and Joe Phillip’s home. A luncheon meeting is scheduled for noon at Tower Hill’s Farmhouse on Saturday, and the conference banquet will be at O’Connor’s Pub, Boylston, 6 PM on Saturday. Look for information in your registration materials, online, and at the Welcome Table.
Beyond the Exhibition Hall of exquisite primroses, will be found the sales area, where a wide assortment of hard-to-find and garden primroses, aswell as other garden treasures, will be offered by specialty plant nurseries from around New England.
The Primrose Show will be held concurrently with the American Daffodil Show, so be prepared to marvel at their exhibits as well.
It is always a great pleasure to spend time in the Tower Hill gardens and buildings as every year the gardens offer more in the way of innovative design and practical ideas. The Orangerie and Limonaria are particularly nice if the day is chilly. Located at 11 French Drive, Boylston, MA, Tower Hill is fully accessible, and wheelchairs are available by request.
Information on exhibiting plants, and judging rules can all be found on this website under ‘Showing Primula’.
Information on Tower Hill Botanical Garden may be found at or by calling 508-869-6111