The Spring 2021 Election will open on February 1, 2021 and will close on March 15, 2021. For general information on the society’s elections, including information about board positions and on nominating candidates, login on the APS website, choose ‘Members’ from the main menu and click on ‘Elections’.
There are five board positions up for election, the President, Vice-President, Secretary and two Director positions. Candidate biographies are available on the APS website or All bios are available here.
To vote in the Spring 2021 election, your membership must be current.
The membership is encouraged to submit nominations for any of the posts. If you know a member of the American Primrose Society who is able and willing to stand for one of these positions, please write his or her name in the appropriate place on the ballot. PLEASE NOTE: The person who nominates and the person nominated must both be members in good standing of the American Primrose Society.
Briefly, directors’ duties consist of the following: promote the love and knowledge of Primula; be familiar with the APS constitution; attend four online meetings a year; join one or more of the board committees (seed exchange, editorial, membership, website, FaceBook, or any ad hoc committee); contribute at least one article to the quarterly or the website during their term (The article can be quite short). The term is three years.
A fuller description of the directors’ duties is given here.
You may cast your vote in one of several ways.
- You can vote online
- You can print the Ballot here. Please mail it to the address at the bottom of the ballot form
- You can send an email with your choices se*******@am*********************.org“>here (se*******@am*********************.org)
- If you would like a paper ballot, please contact Dean Wiegert, Secretary, by one of the following methods:
Email: se*******@am*********************.org
Postal Mail: Dean Wiegert, 3708 E. Norport Dr., Port Washington, WI 53074
Deadline for requesting a paper ballot is March 6, 2021.
Deadline for mailing paper ballots and online voting is March 15, 2021.
Results will be announced at the AGM in May and published in the Summer Quarterly.