The American Primrose Society is run entirely by volunteers. There are always opportunities to make new friends and serve the aims of the Society.
The President has the responsibility for forming committees whenever a need is determined. Please contact the President if you are interested in helping in any of the committees listed below.
Here is some of the work of the current committees of the APS:
The Editorial Committee
takes direction from the Editor and the Technical Editor;
solicits contributions of articles to the Primroses quarterly;
proof-reads draft articles;
checks the final layout just before printing;
works with the Advertising Committee to place commercial notices appropriately;
finds articles in the quarterly archives which may still be relevant and interesting.
The Website Committee
takes direction from the Webmaster;
reviews the APS website regularly to ensure links are up-to-date;
solicits or writes new articles;
liaises with the quarterly editor to include the cover page and contents of the latest quarterly;
works with the Advertising Committee to place commercial notices appropriately;
when required, seeks ways to improve the website technically (e.g., incorporating ‘PayPal’).
Advertising Committee
takes direction from the APS Treasurer in maintaining accounts and soliciting new accounts;
liaises with the Editor of the quarterly;
liaises with the Webmaster.
The Technical Committee
looks for ways to improve communications at APS board meetings
The Membership Committee
takes direction from the Membership Secretary and the Treasurer;
looks for ways to retain current members;
finds ways to increase membership;
notifies members of the renewal deadline;
reviews the fee scale and makes recommendations to the APS Board;
sends out the New Members Package;
keeps a list of all members to print in the quarterly;
liaises with the Webmaster for usernames and passwords [under review];
keeps a list of members’ usernames and passwords for the website [under review].